PX Espresso Hour☕with Luke O'Mahoney

017 - Frieda Möcker - Implementing Product Led People Ops + Building a Company Behaving Awesomely

Luke O'Mahoney Season 1 Episode 17

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Episode Summary:

  • Transitioning from IC to People Manager
  • How Frieda got past her biggest bottle neck... Herself!
  • Finding confidence as a Leader
  • Getting started with Product Led People Ops
  • Co-creating a PX vision: Company Behaving Awesomely

If you are just starting out as a first time Head of People OR first time People Manager, this was such a refreshing conversation.

It's REALLY hard to transition from an individual contributor role to managing people. Most of us struggle with it, I know I did!

I have spend a lot time with Frieda over the last few months and have always been struck by her bias for action and conviction in her work. It was interesting (and comforting) to hear that this didn't come naturally to Frieda either, it's something she has actively worked on following some tough feedback!

Frieda also shares how she is co-creating the vision and ways of working with her time to switch from traditional HR to Product Led People OPs, so if you are also curious about how to get started with that, you will love this chat!

As always, I really enjoyed this conversation and I hope that you do too!

Contact Frieda:

Frieda Möcker | LinkedIn

Contact Luke:

Luke O'Mahoney | LinkedIn

🎵Music Credit: Anton Vlasov from Pixabay🎵 

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Music by Rockot from Pixabay